Recipes Without Order

Here are some ideas for dishes that we use. I have not included quantities or cooking times, I’ll leave that up to you to work it out as you go along. The thing is, tastes vary, cookers vary and ingredients vary from place to place and day to day. If I say 20g of this and 400ml of that, and cook for 20 mins on gas mark 4,

here is an example of my recipe writing:

Belly of pork strips – sear in oil and finish in the oven until its how you want it.


Shallots in butter until soft

cider vinegar: reduce

add sliced apples, mustard and honey (I used eucalyptus for this)

Cook down for two minutes and add a splash of gin – cook off

Cream and fresh sage leaves.

Serve with braised chicory.

(the sour note in the gin works well with the sweetness of the apples, honey and pork. This is all carries by the depth of the cream and mustard. Play with the balance, just remember this is not a weight watchers recipe.

and as ever…enjoy.


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